Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The eBook Revolution

The “eBook Revolution” is here and, for better or worse, (depending on whose side you're on) it has changed the publishing game for 'good' or shall we say the Rubicon has been crossed and there's no turning back. So, what’s going on with the book marketing industry these days? E-books are everywhere, and it seems everyone is reading them or rather a considerable number of people are. While the inherent goodness of a hardbound copy, and the look and the feel of a well crafted masterpiece in its three dimensional form will always certainly be appreciated, there's no denying the fact that ebooks are fast becoming a viable alternative to the printed version in terms of profitability for the writer and affordability for the reader.
In recent years, has watched this interest grow and there is no denying the fact that ebooks are here to stay. In 2011, Amazon reported they had sold more ebooks than print books. Since then, ebook sales have tripled in the book marketplace and are running neck and neck with print book sales.  As this trend grows, where does it leave traditional publishers? No one knows for sure. The one thing that is certain is that the gatekeepers no longer control the gate, and publishing is changing forever. As a result of this growing interest, has joined the "eBook Revolution" and is proud to announce its first release,  Phanork! The Misadventures of a Schwirdlock by C.L. Fondo.

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