Saturday, February 21, 2015

Land of Morpheus

     Land of Morpheus

Last night I saw something unlike anything that I had ever seen before while sojourning in the Land of Morpheus. Some of the details are lost to me now but fortunately the significant ones did not return to from whence they came, that is, they did not disappear into the sub-conscious so quickly as they often do.
In this singularly strange dream, it seemed that I was a non-participant, whereas normally during these interludes of repose, I am actively doing something, or rather my subconscious allows me to imagine that I am. In any case, the setting appeared to be somewhere in Central America or southern Mexico. The dream began with a group of about ten people with jaguar features standing at the foot of a pyramid such as those in the jungles of Meso-America.
There seemed to be a sense of urgency in the demeanor of the jaguar men as they proceeded to climb the pyramid. After they reached the middle section of the structure, they went inside and into a large room that was illumined by some mysterious light source that radiated from the center. At this point, I wondered if Marlon Brando as Dr. Moreau would make an appearance but that was not the case.  At the center of the huge windowless room, was another individual who was about twice the size of the jaguar men and who somewhat resembled a mythical griffin, but with humanoid features as well.The creature was adorned with the feathers of tropical birds and was wearing an armor breast plate wrought from gold and bronze and decorated with strange pictographs that were etched into the breast plate. The jaguar men approached the towering creature and formed a semi-circle about twenty to thirty feet away from him. The griffin-like individual said a few words in some strange language, probably to the effect of, "What is it?" The jaguar men, each in turn, stepped forward and presented something. One threw a cow carcass on to the floor. The next individual stepped forward and tossed a piece of heavy machinery, possibly from a loader, on top of the carcass. Another jaguar man stepped forward and dropped a handful of some bullets onto the pile. Some coins followed that, all being thrown into the pile, except for the last thing. The more important looking person of the jaguar men walked toward the huge feathered creature and gently placed on the floor near the redoubtable being a plant of some sort. The jaguar man stepped back from where he had approached and waited. The huge feathered creature raised his hands with his palms facing inward. Talons that glowed like molten steel extended from his fingers and for a brief moment he held his terrifying hands aloft with their dagger like claws. Then he clenched his hands and brought them to his sides. At this, the griffin-like being's strange gesture, the jaguar men turned and walked out of the pyramid.
For the most part, that was  it. The strange dream compelled me enough to want to find out if there was some significant underlying meaning. I did a bit of research and found out a thing or two that helped to clarify the symbolism. The overall message seems to point to an imbalance, and although the dream ended without any indication as to what follows, it would appear that there is something that needs to be done urgently to correct the imbalance, though it is unclear as to what should be done. What is clear, however, is that something important must be brought back into balance one way or another.

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