Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Follow the Money

What it comes down to is this; the global elites who control the U.S.( a corporatocracy) are apparently more effective at steering agendas than Russia’s oligarchs or China’s rulers are and that's why the global elites (so-called lluminati) appear to be winning the geo-political war against Russian nationalists at this stage in the game, if you will. American allies in Asia and the EU and NATO seem to have Russia (and China) pinned down, at least for the time being. Based on patterns in recent years, A typical scenario  for the global elites (someone such as the politically active multi-billionaire Soros), in their relentless quest for world domination, would be to finance highly organized and well-funded NGO groups and send them into certain areas of the world that have some high value natural resource or is in some way strategically advantageous to the globalists so as to instigate protests and other anti-government actions until perhaps the governments of those respective countries collapse. The elites who control the West undoubtedly had some hand in doing that in Libya and Egypt in recent years. They’re doing it in Syria and Ukraine now. They are continuously trying to stir things up in Iran and have tried to gain control in Cuba by constantly trying to assassinate Castro. There are many other instances. This outrageousness is all paid for by American taxpayers who are like mushrooms kept in the dark and fed manure because they (Americans) are funding an incredibly huge military budget to the tune of well over 600 billion dollars a year just so the globalists can take away more of our freedom and make us, the people of this world, slaves.

Back to the global elite and why they’re more effective than Russia and China at maintaining control. It’s rather simple. They use eugenics as a method of population control, they put fluoride in the water, mercury in vaccines, process food with cancer causing GMOs, all of these things and more of which are either poisonous or in some way disrupt our body’s natural functioning processes. These sorts of things lower IQs and weaken our cognitive abilities. It is scientifically proven. It is on record. You can look it up. In fact look up everything mentioned. Don’t take my word for it. Search the word SERALINI and find out the disturbing truth about genetically modified food.
China’s elites have tried to curb population growth with their one child policy but there are other governments that are, ironically enough, using taxpayers’ money to be used for population control methods. All kinds of chemicals, fillers, coloring, and preservatives are used by food manufacturers to make processed foods.‘They’ also manipulate the value of currencies, cause inflation, create recessions, depressions, etc. They’ve been doing this for a long time, since the time of Napoleon, in fact, but most effectively ever since the Federal Reserve was founded in 1913. The Federal Reserve (the Fed) is essentially a printer of fiat money that is not actually backed by gold (or anything of value for that matter) since there are no longer gold coins in circulation that an individual can use to barter with. The global elites drive up inflation (increases in food prices and gas prices have doubled since Obama was elected!) and they devalue the dollar so some or many younger people are left with no other choice but to join the military which enables the Defense Department to do the globalists' bidding and blow up 'unfriendly' governments and install ‘friendly’ subservient governments that abide by the illuminati globalist’s agenda. ‘They’ also launch false flag attacks like the one in Ukraine with the air liner and the one with the Kuwaiti ambassador’s daughter lying and posing as a nurse in testimony, where she said she was in a hospital in Kuwait where Iraqi soldiers threw babies out of incubators on the floor to leave them to die. Oh no! We gotta save the babies from those devilish Iraqis, Let’s go to war! But it was really because Saddam Hussein was going to stop trading Iraqi oil using the dollar. You see how that works? And of course we believe it, because MSM says it’s true.

Putin and Russia’s elite are old fashioned and have a strong sense of nationalistic pride but it seems they are ashamed of their communist past, and rightly so considering the mass murdering Stalin and the Bolsheviks' assault on the Russian citizenry. It’s on record, Putin and other Russian elites are very close to the Russian Orthodox Church and were disciples of Alexander Solzhenitsyn who was a World War 2 Soviet vet who was sent to a gulag on petty charges. He obviously became anti soviet after that and advocated a very strong nationalistic Russian government model after the communist regime’s collapse. The globalists’ have absorbed a number of the former Soviet Republics in Eastern Europe and are trying to do the same in Central Asia. It may be only a matter of time before the Russian government collapses (and China also), and then the globalists will likely bring in the world government.

The number of crises (the so-called “great recession”, Russia / Ukraine problem, bailouts, immigration reform, gun control issue, etc.) going on right now at the same time appears to be done to create instability and eventually bring about martial law to then collapse the country and set up the one world government like what they’re doing in the EU, for example, Greece. Who knows? Maybe ‘they’are even bringing Ebola disease here to the U.S. to cause a frightening epidemic that could then bring about martial law. Obama already has the authority to do with this with the so-called Patriot Act and the recent executive order he signed in which it apparently states that he can have any one detained who is displaying symptoms of a respiratory illness. Then you have what’s going on in Ukraine which is meant to back Russia up even farther into a corner and then start a war which would conceivably destroy Russia ( with most unpleasant repercussions) which would be carved up by the globalists. Lastly you have borders over run with more illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. overloading the welfare system paid for by taxpaying Americans. The Democratic Party can then get in a stronger position of power and finally take away American’s guns which would create a backlash and a civil war which would likely be the end of America as we know it, coupled with the currency collapsing by design also.

These ‘people’ (devils) are assaulting us through every means you can imagine and they brag about it in books, interviews etc. Again, look it up. They hate humanity, and they hate that we have freedom or some variant of it. Now you ask, who might these so-called people be? They are, in fact, the ones who control the Federal Reserve, CEOs on Wall Street, the IMF banksters, the World Bank, the EU, the UN, NATO, elements in our own government, and multi-national corporations, such as Monsanto, et al.

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